Nettoyants et cires

  1. August Race - Kit de Nettoyage Liquide pour Canot Pneumatique à Coque Rigide - RIBTUBEKIT

    78,37 $
  2. August Race - Nettoyants Rapides Liquides pour Tubes de Canot Pneumatique à Coque Rigide - RIBTUBECLEANER

    42,58 $
  3. August Race - Scellant UV Liquide pour Canot Pneumatique à Coque Rigide - LRSEALER250

    42,56 $
  4. August Race - Nettoyant pour Tissus d'Ameublement Vinyl Bright - VBRIGHT1L

    42,58 $
  5. August Race - Nettoyant et Cire Complets Pro pour Bateau - 3484030

    42,56 $
  6. August Race - Traitement Détachant Bright Coat - 3484047

    42,56 $
  7. August Race - Cire Protectrice UV à Opacité Lisse - 3484061

    42,56 $
  8. August Race - Nettoyant SUP-A-Clean pour Planche à Pagaie - 3484108

    31,68 $
  9. August Race - Protecteur UV SUP Protect pour Planche - 3484115

    31,68 $
  10. August Race - Nettoyant Deck Mate pour Teck Synthétique - 3484153

    42,56 $
  11. August Race - Nettoyant Kayak Klean Étape 1 - 3484160

    31,68 $
  12. August Race - Protecteur Kayak Klean Étape 2 - 3484177

    31,68 $
  13. August Race - Scellant Protecteur UV pour PRV - 3484306

    42,56 $
  14. August Race - Cire à Finition Rapide Super Valet - 3484320

    42,56 $
  15. August Race - Éliminateur d'Odeurs Fresh - 3484511

    42,56 $
  16. August Race - Nettoyant pour Défense - 3484535

    42,56 $
  17. August Race - Nettoyant pour Canot - 3484542

    42,56 $
  18. August Race - Répulsif à l'Eau UV Upholstery Protect pour Tapisserie - 3484566

    42,56 $
  19. August Race - Revêtement Ultra Brillant pour Tube de Canot Pneumatique - 3484573

    42,56 $
  20. August Race - Protecteur Deck Protect pour Mousse EVA et Imitation Teck - 3484597

    42,56 $
  21. August Race - Brillant UV pour Canot - 3484603

    42,56 $
  22. August Race - Nettoyant Fab-Restore pour Toile et Voile - 3484726

    42,56 $
  23. August Race - Imperméabilisant Textile Sail Protect - 3484733

    42,56 $
  24. August Race - Nettoyant pour Câbles - 3484863

    42,56 $
  25. August Race - Trousse d'Entretien pour Canot Pneumatique - AR-INFCARE

    132,77 $
  26. Boat Bling - Savon pour Bateau et VR - 1 Gal - BOATRVSOAP-0128

    44,43 $
  27. Boat Bling - Ensemble de Traitement et Nettoyant Glass Sauce - 4 oz - BS_GLASS0004_KIT

    22,43 $
  28. Boat Bling - Savon Bubble Sauce pour Bateau et VR - 1 Pinte - BS0032

    29,07 $
  29. Boat Bling - Nettoyant Deck Sauce pour Pont Antidérapant - 1 Gal - DS0128

    59,03 $
  30. Boat Bling - Détachant Green Sauce pour Moisissure - 1 Pinte - GS0032

    34,13 $
  31. Boat Bling - Savon Mild Sauce - 1 Pinte - MS0032

    37,05 $
  32. Boat Bling - Scellant en Vaporisateur Quickie Sauce - 1 Pinte - QS0032

    41,43 $
  33. Boat Bling - Revitalisant Condition Sauce pour Vinyle

    41,43 $ - 95,48 $
  34. Boat Bling - Détachant Hot Sauce pour Taches d'Eau

    34,13 $ - 80,88 $
  35. Boat Bling - Nettoyant Vinyl Sauce pour Capitonnage

    34,11 $ - 80,88 $

About Nettoyants et cires

Boat Cleaners & Waxes

Boats have many different surfaces and Defender offers a cleaner for each one of them! Hoses, buffers, and cleaning tools are also offered online. Get all of your boat cleaning supplies right here at Defender Marine!

So many boat cleaning supplies, so little time!

Defender offers just about every cleaner on the market! If there is something dirty on your boat - including fiberglass stains, rusty metal and mildewed fabrics - we can help you clean it. Boat cleaning supplies are just a few keystrokes away at Defender!

Metal, fiberglass, canvas ? which marine cleaning product is best?

To each application, there is a cleaner! And if you use the proper cleaner, any surface can come clean. Remember to test on an inconspicuous area and scrub away!

What are the best boat cleaning supplies that are also safe for the environment?

Let's face it, boaters may have finesse running an inlet or dropping back but cleaning a boat is a tough business. Black streaks, mold, hazy isinglass, cloudy gelcoat, rust, and stains are the enemy and Defender has all the ammunition you may need. And one more thing ? Spider spray which isn?t a cleaner but is a pesticide that is safe for kids, pets, and the environment!