
  1. Awlgrip - Base de Couche de Finition Polyuréthane Polyester

    140,77 $ - 429,79 $
  2. Awlgrip - Finition de Couche Supérieure Claire MA Awlwood

    162,31 $ - 591,50 $
  3. Awlgrip - Apprêt Époxy 545

    76,53 $ - 228,40 $
  4. Awlgrip - Convertisseur de Couche de Finition Awlcat #2

    148,06 $ - 400,67 $
  5. Awlgrip - Convertisseur d'Apprêt Époxy 545

    73,60 $ - 215,25 $
  6. Awlgrip - Convertisseur de Couche de Finition Awlcat #3 - H3002P

    117,38 $
  7. Awlgrip - Convertisseur de Couche de Finition #3 - H3002HG

    348,10 $
  8. Awlgrip - Apprêt MA Awlwood

    159,20 $
  9. Awlgrip - Base de Couche de Finition Polyuréthane Polyester - Noir Extrême - G2066Q

    170,09 $
  10. Awlgrip - Réducteur de Brossage

    51,70 $ - 153,93 $
  11. Awlgrip - Vernis pour Espar Classique Awlspar - M3131Q

    76,79 $
  12. Awlgrip - Finition Mate Satinée MA Awlwood

    162,31 $ - 591,50 $
  13. Awlgrip - Diluant Pulvérisable Standard

    44,40 $ - 115,97 $
  14. Awlgrip - Additif Antidérapant Grossier Griptex - 1 Pinte - 73013Q

    76,50 $
  15. Awlgrip - Réducteur de Brossage Awlwood - T0201/1QTUS

    65,90 $
  16. Awlgrip - Base Claire Awlbrite - J3005Q

    142,22 $
  17. Awlgrip - Convertisseur Clair Plus Awlbrite - J3006P

    115,92 $
  18. Awlgrip - Nettoyant pour Pinceau Awlwood - T0200/1QTUS

    83,01 $
  19. Awlgrip - Nettoyant de Surface Awlprep - T0008G

    91,15 $
  20. Awlgrip - Apprêt Époxy Haute Performance - Blanc Cassé - D8002Q

    79,46 $
  21. Awlgrip - Convertisseur Époxy à Haut Pouvoir Garnissant - D3002Q

    80,92 $
  22. Awlgrip - Diluant Pulvérisable Époxy Standard

    41,48 $ - 105,75 $
  23. Awlgrip - Diluant en Aérosol Awlwood MA - T0202/1QTUS

    65,91 $
  24. Awlgrip - Activateur/Réducteur de Brossage Clair Awlbrite - A0031P

    54,60 $
  25. Awlgrip - Réducteur de Brossage pour Vernis Awlspar - T0016Q

    44,40 $
  26. Awlgrip - Accélérateur d'Apprêt à Séchage à Froid - M3066P

    53,45 $
  27. Awlgrip - Diluant Pulvérisable à Évaporation Rapide pour Couche de Finition

    42,94 $ - 113,05 $

About Peintures

Boat Paints

Paint for boats is formulated to perform in a myriad of environments and to adhere to vastly different materials. Sailboat paint encompasses hull and bottom paint as well as varnish for wood surfaces. Outboard boat owners most likely will need boat paint to touch up their motor while many powerboats feature nonskid boat paint on many surfaces for safety. Defender offers all types of boat paint.

There is a boat paint for every application ? make sure you use the right one!

Marine-grade paints are formulated specially to adhere to different materials and surfaces while withstanding moisture, UV exposure, and even submersion in water. Surface preparation is always a key in successfully applying boat paint but confirming the material that will be painted is the most important. Boat paint manufacturers have developed paints for boats that will cover aluminum, wood, and fiberglass, but these are three different boat coatings and are not interchangeable.

Read the directions, please.

Yes, there is an art to spraying boat paint. The more practice the better a painter will become but painting your own boat if you do not expect a professional job, is certainly something any boat owner can try. Prep work is key, but there is one other important factor in using boat paint. Read the can! Not every boat paint manufacturer mixes their paints, accelerators, and reducers in the same ratios so take the time to read the instructions and know what they mean. Before mixing, if there are any questions, contact the experts at Defender Marine for more insight.

Strip it down, then build it up

Removing old coatings is the best start for a satisfying paint project. Whether old varnish or bottom paint, taking the boat back to its original surface offers the best environment for proper boat paint adhesion. Stripped of paint, the boat may reveal the need for wood repair, fillers, or fairing compound to prepare and smooth the surface before painting. Defender Marine offers a full line of paint strippers as well as primers, sealers, and surface repair and preparation compounds. Safety equipment, caulk, tape, and all types of applicators are also available; thoroughly review your project and chosen boat paint to create an accurate list of materials before the boat painting project starts.