Supports pour radar et satellite

  1. Scanstrut - Mât Conique pour Starlink

    2 226,06 $
  2. Scanstrut - Mât Conique pour Starlink - PTM-R2-SL

    2 226,06 $
  3. Scanstrut - Support de Radar Auto-Nivelant LMB

    2 087,04 $
  4. Scanstrut - Support de Radar Auto-Nivelant

    2 085,57 $
  5. Scanstrut - Mât Conique pour Radar - PTM-R1-1

    2 058,04 $
  6. Scanstrut - Mât Conique pour Radar - PTM-R1-2

    2 058,03 $
  7. Scanstrut - Support en Acier Inoxydable pour Antenne Satcom - SC91

    1 917,63 $
  8. Scanstrut - Support de Mât pour Satcom - 75" - SC105

    1 603,80 $
  9. Scanstrut - Kit de Système de Poteau pour Radôme - SC101

    1 568,77 $
  10. Scanstrut - Support de Mât pour Radar - 75" - SC103

    1 568,76 $
  11. Scanstrut - Support Satcom en Acier Inoxydable - SC80

    1 396,38 $
  12. Scanstrut - Support de Mât Auto-Nivelant pour Radôme - LMM-2

    1 339,47 $
  13. Scanstrut - Support de Radar Auto-Nivelant - LMM-1

    1 337,99 $
  14. Scanstrut - Portique Navlight Satcom - SC114-60

    1 021,47 $
  15. Scanstrut - Portique de Feux de Navigation en Acier Inoxydable - SC118

    933,84 $
  16. Scanstrut - Grue de Levage à Système de Poteaux - SC120

    927,81 $
  17. Scanstrut - Portique Navlight Satcom - SC114-40

    900,12 $
  18. Scanstrut - Support Radar/Satcom Double Modulaire PowerTower - DPT-R-COMP

    742,32 $
  19. Scanstrut - Contrefiche Double Modulaire PowerTower

    733,81 $ - 869,59 $
  20. Scanstrut - Support d'Antenne à Mât en T - TP-01

    705,82 $
  21. Scanstrut - Support de Mât pour Radôme - M92698

    581,70 $
  22. Scanstrut - PowerTower en Aluminium pour Antenne Ouverte - 6" - APT6003

    559,81 $
  23. Scanstrut - PowerTower en Aluminium pour Antenne Ouverte - 6" - APT6002

    533,53 $
  24. Scanstrut - Support de Mât pour Radôme - SC21

    529,15 $
  25. Scanstrut - Support de Mât pour Radôme - M92722

    518,92 $
  26. Scanstrut - Système de Charnière Manuelle - HS-01

    511,63 $
  27. Scanstrut - Support de Mât - SC20-BLK

    476,59 $
  28. Scanstrut - Support de Mât pour Radôme/Satcom - SC20

    476,58 $
  29. Scanstrut - Support de Montage sur Poteau pour Radôme - SC45R

    457,60 $
  30. Scanstrut - Support Starlink PowerTower en Aluminium - 6"

    454,69 $ - 456,15 $
  31. 9% off

    Scanstrut - Support d'Antenne en T - TB-01

    504,31 $
    453,94 $
  32. 14% off

    Scanstrut - Support de Radôme PowerTower Composite Incliné vers l'Arrière - 6" - PT2004

    518,92 $
    441,17 $
  33. Scanstrut - Support Satcom - SC45

    440,08 $
  34. Scanstrut - Support de Radôme PowerTower en Aluminium pour Radars Furuno

    432,79 $ - 451,77 $
  35. Scanstrut - Support de Radôme PowerTower en Aluminium

    432,79 $ - 451,77 $
  36. Scanstrut - Support de Mât pour Radôme - SC12

    429,84 $
  37. Scanstrut - Protège-Radar - SC28

    426,96 $
  38. Scanstrut - Support de Mât pour Radôme - SC18

    421,08 $
  39. Scanstrut - Support Satcom - SC65

    419,65 $
  40. Scanstrut - Protège-Radar - SC29

    407,97 $
  41. Scanstrut - Protège-Radar - SC27

    399,21 $
  42. Scanstrut - Cale de Base Ajustable pour Support Satcom - SC50

    397,70 $
  43. Scanstrut - Support Satdome - 3" - SC35

    394,80 $
  44. 7% off

    Scanstrut - Barre Lumineuse Bâbord PowerTower en Acier Inoxydable - SC113

    421,11 $
    390,56 $
  45. Scanstrut - Projecteur de Pont à Montage sur Poteau SC100 - SC117

    386,02 $
  46. 9% off

    Scanstrut - PowerTower

    428,41 $ - 432,79 $
    385,63 $ - 432,79 $
  47. Scanstrut - Protège-Radar Moyen - SC25

    381,69 $
  48. Scanstrut - Petit Garde-Radar - SC24

    380,23 $
1 / 2Suivant

About Supports pour radar et satellite

Radar & TV Dome Mounting Systems

From a DIY weekend project to marine radar mounts best handled by a professional, Defender has you covered. Determine your application, time, and amount of treasure then choose a boat radar mount that fits your electronics and either mast, hardtop, or tower.

What's the best way to mount my radar?

TV antenna domes and radar domes and arches come in various sizes and that may be the place to start when determining which mount to purchase. Towers and pedestals offer extra stability while mounting on the mast or a pole can place the radar out of the range of interference from other electronics aboard.

Radar mount location is determined, now what's the next step?

The manufacturer of the TV or radar dome may offer options for mounting from radome guards to self-leveling pole mounts. Several parts are available for easy installation at home including backing plates, pole mount accessories, and hinge mount kits. Keep the application in mind and call a professional if the installation gets complicated!

There are too many electronics! Will a dual mount radar bracket work for me?

Self-leveling dual pole radar mounts and dual flush mount brackets enable boat owners to put their radar mount to multi-use. Consider the manufacturer's specs of current marine radar domes and then add other items to the dual marine radar mounts. Spreader lights, VHF antennas, cameras, and TV antenna domes can all be incorporated into a dual mount bracket.