Lumières et signaux de secours personnels

  1. 14% off

    Forespar - Lampe Stroboscopique LED Flottante MOB - 205102

    291,38 $
    247,77 $
  2. 9% off

    ACR - Lumière Stroboscopique LED à Activation Automatique SM-3 pour Bouée de Sauvetage - 3947

    219,58 $
    197,68 $
  3. 9% off

    Sirius Signal - Kit de Sac à Séchage Rapide SOS de Sécurité et d'Urgence SB-3L - SB-3L

    219,55 $
    197,67 $
  4. 9% off

    ACR - Stroboscope et Lampe de Poche LED à Activation par l'Eau Float-On - 2983

    186,00 $
    167,46 $
  5. ACR - Stroboscope Firefly PRO Waterbug SOLAS - 3971.3

    107,38 $
  6. ACR - Stroboscope Firefly PRO SOLAS - 3970.3

    99,06 $
  7. Spinlock - Lumière de Sauvetage LED Pylon pour Gilet de Sauvetage - Faisceau Constant - DW-PY/L1

    86,23 $
  8. ACR - Support de Montage pour Lumière de Marquage SM-3 - 9630

    76,50 $
  9. Spinlock - Lumière d'Illumination Lume-On pour Chambre de VFI Gonflable - DW-LMN

    50,14 $
  10. Revere - Lumière DEL Haute Performance AquaSpec AQ40L pour Gilet de Sauvetage - Capteur Externe - 45-LIF2075

    34,16 $
  11. ACR - Lampe de Sauvetage Personnelle à Activation par l'Eau L8-3 - 3720.018

    32,73 $
  12. 5% off

    ACR - Lumière Stroboscopique de Détresse Personnelle C-Strobe H2O - 3964.1

    32,70 $
    30,78 $
  13. ACR - Lampe LED de Localisation de Survivant LNK-AL15

    29,80 $ - 34,16 $
  14. ACR - Lampe de Localisation de Survivant VFI L8-5 - 3743.018

    29,78 $
  15. 5% off

    ACR - Lumière de Détresse Personnelle C-Light H2O - 3962.1

    31,24 $
    29,40 $
  16. 9% off

    Seachoice - Bâton Lumineux pour Gilet de Sauvetage - 46151

    31,24 $
    28,18 $
  17. 9% off

    ACR - Lumière de Localisation de Survie Automatique Auto HemiLight3 avec Stroboscope - 3764.1

    29,14 $
    26,29 $
  18. ACR - Batterie au Lithium AA - 1083

    23,07 $
  19. 9% off

    ACR - Lumière Stroboscopique de Détresse Personnelle C-Strobe - 3965.1

    25,45 $
    22,97 $
  20. 9% off

    ACR - Lumière de Détresse Personnelle C-Light - 3963.1

    22,47 $
    20,28 $
  21. 9% off

    Orion - Pavillon International de Détresse - 925

    15,58 $
    14,07 $
  22. 9% off

    Orion - Bâtons Lumineux (Paquet de 4) - 924

    13,97 $
    12,63 $

About Lumières et signaux de secours personnels

Personal Rescue Lights

Defender Marine offers a variety of life jacket rescue lights with steady on and strobe capabilities. Float on water or lights attached to a PFD can run as long as 120 hours with visibilities up to 3 miles. Manual on or automatic start in contact with water, personal rescue lights offer peace of mind for you and your crew.

How do personal rescue lights work?

Rescue lights can be attached to life jackets and come on automatically when they contact water or start with a manual switch. Lights offer a continuous beam or strobe for maximum visibility in the water.

Investing in safety is a smart thing on the water

Waterproof personal rescue lights offer up to 120 hours of strobe light signals and some work submerged up to ten feet. That?s a lot of safety! On the other hand, simple, inexpensive light sticks that ?break and glow? when attached to a personal floatation device can increase the visibility of a person floating on the water?s surface to passing boats and aircraft. Even a small investment in safety is smart on the water.

How do life jacket lights work?

Contact with water (salt or fresh) turns automatic lights on while some lights have manual switches. Strobe lights and continuous lights run on battery power; some lights are rechargeable. Snap clips attach lights to PFDs and some lights boast rounded corners to protect inflatable life jackets from damage.

Visual Signals

From day shapes to man overboard visual signals, Defender Marine has a full line of visual safety signals for any size boat. Satellite signaling beacons, including personal location beacons, offer the highest level of locating technology while reflective tape, floats, and buoys serve the clear safety needs of all vessels.

Safety signals for smaller craft

Never underestimate the power of reflective tape, a few more wraps on your life ring are always a good idea. Light beacons for nighttime distress signaling work a bit longer than flares and offer a sea-level homing signal for even the smallest boats. Man overboard distress signals and buoys, as well as personal location beacons for life jackets, are those safety signals boaters never want to use but may be a wise addition to the small boat safety kit.

What are the best distress signals available?

Marine visual signals include flags, buoys, and beacons. For boats that spend plenty of time offshore, satellite EPIRBS and personal location devices offer the most complete distress signal available. EPIRBS and personal location devices are big investments and could contain more technology than select boaters need. Light beacons and man overboard buoys, on the other hand, are good options for every boat.

Safety options - what you need to know

For boats that spend time at anchor or under low power, such as sailboats not on the wind, day shape flags provide a daylight visual clue to coming vessels. The small, black flags of different shapes speak volumes! Dive boats and those with regular swimmers can put out buoys to ward off coming boats. Visual signals are meant to do just that - signaling of the boats doesn't always mean your crew is in distress!