Réflecteurs radar
Davis Instruments - Système de Montage Suspendu Echomaster - 156
35,58 $ -
Davis Instruments - Réflecteur Radar d'Urgence - 151
53,78 $ -
Plastimo - Réflecteur Radar Tubulaire
59,38 $ - 153,22 $ -
Plastimo - Réflecteur Radar Tubulaire pour Bateau à Moteur
78,98 $ - 164,42 $ -
Davis Instruments - Réflecteur Radar d'Urgence Echomaster - 152
182,60 $ -
24% off
EchoMax - Ensemble de Réflecteur Radar Actif Bande X - EMACTIVEXM
1 400,61 $1 050,61 $
About Réflecteurs radar
Radar Reflectors
Defender carries a wide variety of radar reflector types and sizes.
Radar Reflectors help you become visible on the radar screens of other boats that may be on a collision course with your boat. There is no guarantee that you will be noticed by the watch hand on another boat, but at least a reasonable radar reflector will improve your chances of being seen. Installation should be at the highest point on your boat, but there is anecdotal evidence to support not placing the reflector higher than 16 feet above the water in order to avoid blind spots caused by "multipath propagation" or other effects.
Also, the heel angle of your boat can greatly degrade the performance of a radar reflector, so you should read the installation directions provided by the manufacturer very carefully. We highly recommend that you always keep a sharp lookout for other boat traffic when on the water, because even though you may be peacefully lying at anchor, another boat that is under way may not be able to see you until it is too late to avoid a collision.
If you need assistance with what type of radar reflector you need or finding a specific one, contact our customer service representatives during business hours at 1-860-701-3400 or 1-800-628-8225.