Digital Yacht Sea PC Pilot Plug Extension Cable - ZDIGPPLEXT
Digital Yacht Sea PC Pilot Plug Extension Cable - ZDIGPPLEXT Item # 864868

The Pilot Plug Extension Cable extends the NMEA 0183 wiring, and not the USB wiring, making it possible to extend up to 10 meters (or more) plus the length of the existing Pilot Plug cable.
- All AIS Class A Transponders have a special "Pilot Plug" that is intended to allow a Commercial Pilot to quickly and reliably connect their laptop PC to the Class A Transponder when they arrive onboard
- Often on larger vessels the normal 1 to 2 meter length of the Pilot Plug can make connecting to the vessels Class A transponder difficult
- As most Pilot Plug cables use a USB interface, which is limited to 5 meters, extending the cable can be problematic
- Digital Yacht's sister company, Digital Deep Sea created the Pilot Plug extension cable, which extends the NMEA 0183 wiring and not the USB wiring making it possible to extend up to 10 meters (or more) plus the length of the existing Pilot Plug cable.
- Cable Length: 10 meter (32.8 feet)
- Conforms to the IMO SN/Circ.227
- Can be used to extend any Pilot Plug
- Allows you to extend the cable without increasing the USB cable length, which is limited to 5 meters