Eldridge Tide and Pilot Book 2025 - 978-1-883465-31-5
Eldridge Tide and Pilot Book 2025 - 978-1-883465-31-5 Item # 1633965

The indispensable resource for East Coast boaters, the Eldridge Tide and Pilot Book 2025 has tides and currents for ports from Nova Scotia to Key West. Often referred to as the mariner's bible, Eldridge has been published for 150 years, giving boaters valuable information on GPS and electronic navigation, marine weather, Federal regulations, navigation rules, coastal piloting tips, and emergency first aid. As a back-up for electronics, Eldridge is a vital reference. Readers will be further rewarded with useful articles on fishing, nautical astronomy, and maritime traditions.
- Indispensable resource for East Coast boaters
- Vital reference and back-up for electronics
- Latest tide and current tables for boaters transiting the Atlantic Coast; between Halifax, Nova Scotia and Key West, FL
- Loaded with valuable information on GPS navigation, radiotelephone use, lights and fog signals, courses and distances, safety and weather
- Complete with useful articles on fishing, nautical astronomy and maritime traditions
Contents Include:
- Tide Tables: Portland, Boston, Newport, Bridgeport, Kings Point, The Battery, Sandy Hook, Baltimore, Miami Harbor entrance
- Current tables: Cape Cod Canal, Woods Hole, Pollock Rip, The Race, Hell Gate, The Narrows, Delaware Bay Entrance, Chesapeake & Delaware River Canal
- Current Charts and Diagrams: Boston, Buzzard's Bay, Woods Hole, Vineyard & Nantucket Sounds, Narragansett Bay, Long Island & Block Island sounds, New York Bay, Upper Chesapeake Bay
- Emergencies: Marine Distress Calling, Emergency First Aid, Hypothermia
- Safe Navigation: Rules of the Road, Navigation Lights and Sound Signals, Nautical Chart &am Bouyage Diagram, Piloting in a Cross Current
- Lights, Fog Signals & Offshore Buoys: Characteristics of Buoys and Lighthouses, with Latitude/Longitude from Nova Scotia to Key West
- Electronic Navigation & Marine Communication: VHF Information, Call Scripts, Dial-A-Bouy
- Clean Boating: Pollution Regulations, Pumpout Info by State
- Weather: Forecasting, Weather Sings in the sky, Beaufort Scale, Hurricane Precautions
- Astronomical Data: Sun & Moon Tables, Moon Phases, Visibility of the Planets
- Flags & Codes: How To Fly Yacht Flags, International Signals, Storm Signals
- Miscellaneous: Jad Adkins delves into the mysteries of the compass, Joe Berkeley's first love, Nick king on Bluefish, Jake Lundberg considers mariner's books, will Sofrin's analog navigation, and more...