Forespar Marelon 90 deg. Elbow Tailpipe/Hose Connector
$6.50 - $28.57
Forespar Marelon 90 deg. Elbow Tailpipe/Hose Connector Item # 865944

Forespar 90 deg. Elbow Tailpipe/Hose Connectors are molded from high-strength glass-reinforced Marelon® polymer—zero corrosion, zero electrolysis, light weight and strong.
- Marelon® is a proprietary formulation of polymar composite compounds using composite reinforced polymer and additives to produce a superior marine-grade product
- Designed for use above and below the waterline
- Complete freedom from corrosion
- High strength
- UV Stabilized
- Will not freeze or become brittle with age or temperature extremes
- U.L. and A.B.Y.C. approved
- Marelon fittings can be installed using the same techniques and materials as bronze fittings
Minimum Physical Properties Required for Approval are:
- Tensil Strength 10,900 psi/75 mPa
- Flexural Modulus 500,000 psi/3480 mPa
Value by test to ASTM D638 (American Society of Testing & Materials)
Value by test to ASTM D790 (American Society of Testing & Materials)