Groco Hydromatic Self-Cleaning Raw Water Strainer - 970-1500-12
Groco Hydromatic Self-Cleaning Raw Water Strainer - 970-1500-12 Item # 1023989

The Hydromatic strainer eliminates the nuisance of unwanted and untimely system shut-downs due to strainer clogging from seaweed, jellyfish, etc. It incorporates a powerful electric macerator pump which periodically cleans and flushes the strainer without the nedd to shut down connected devices. A remote control panel is included.
The Hydromatic strainer, with a single large inlet port and options for up to 5 filtered outlet ports, can function as a sea-chest by replacing multiple seacocks, traditional strainers, thru-hull fittings and related plumbing. This can markedly reduce the cost and complexity of new or retrofit installations. This strainer can supply filtered water to multiple devices - several air conditioning units, for example. It has a 1 1/2" NPT inlet at the top, and up to 5 filtered NPT outlets on the face. Simply secure any outlets which are not used with pipe plug fittings.
- 30-second cleaning cycle is automatically performed at user-selected intervals
- Optional interface with SSA system (initiates cleaning cycle when flow is reduced, independent of the pre-set cleaning interval
- The "Purge" option overrides the selected cleaning interval and performs a one-time 30-second cleaning cycle
- Powerful macerator grinds debris and discharges overboard below the waterline
- "Ignition Protected" motors for DC models
- Installation can be horizontal or vertical (flooded inlet required)
- C84400 bronze construction
- Volts: 12V
- Inlet: 1 1/2" NPT
- Outlet: (1) x 1/2", (2) 3/4", (2) x 1"
- Debris Discharge: 3/4" NPT
- Open Area Ratio: 11:01
- Dimensions:
- A: 13.2"
- B: 6.9"
- C: 7.6"