Hammonds BioborMD Diesel Fuel Additive - BBMD16EZ01US
Hammonds BioborMD Diesel Fuel Additive - BBMD16EZ01US Item # 868485

- BioborMD® is an all-inclusive diesel performance treatment designed to boost engine performance and efficiency while protecting your diesel engine year-round
- Fuel combustion qualities are increased, injectors are cleaned and lubricated, fuel is stabilized and corrosion is inhibited; all resulting in a cleaner, more efficient engine
- Unique to BioborMD, all the critical characteristics to improve performance and protect your diesel engine are included in one treatment
- BioborMD contains cold weather protection for year-round use with a single product
- BioborMD works in conjunction with Biobor JF Diesel Biocide and Lubricity Additive
- Reduces soot up to 94 % and prevents carbon deposits on vital engine parts
- Increases cetane by up to 6 points
- Raises the Cetane level up to 6 numbers enabling faster fuel ignition, while combustion improvers provide for a more complete fuel burn
- Working together, these factors enable fuel to ignite sooner and also burn longer and hotter for a more complete fuel burn
- Available horsepower, torque and fuel economy are increased
- Stabilizes diesel fuel for up to 2 years
- Sludge dispersants break up and dissolve fuel sediment sludge into small enough particles that will pass harmlessly through filters and injectors, enabling your fuel system to operate at peak efficiency with properly atomized fuel spray
- BioborMD cleans fuel systems to allows the engine to produce its designed optimum horsepower and torque, further increasing economy
- Prevents and melts ice that causes frozen blockages and downtime
- Once ice is melted, any free water within the fuel system or water absorbed by the fuel are prevented from refreezing
- BioborMD adds this "anti-freezing" action to keep the fuel flowing and the engine running
- Anti-gel and lower CFPP
- Lowers the Pour Point by up to 45° F and the Cold Filter Plug Point (CFPP) is reduced by up to 22° F, maintaining proper fuel flow when the fuel could otherwise gel in unconditioned fuel
- Inhibits corrosion and restores lubricity in ULSD
- Prevents corrosion in fuel system Significantly reduces further fuel system corrosion from occurring, preventing costly leaks and spills with continued use
- Adds Lubricity:
- Low sulfur diesel fuel mandated by the EPA is good for the environment, but puts at risk the lubrication properties of the fuel
- The only source of lubrication for injectors and the fuel injection pump is the fuel that flows through it
- BioborMD has been tested and shows an increase in fuel lubricity of 12.5% (Ball On Cylinder Lubricity Evaluator–BOCLE)
- This increase protects and extends component service life, lowering maintenance costs and down time when compared to the absence of fuel lubricity in low and ultra-low sulfur diesel
- 16 Ounces Treats 120 Gallons of diesel fuel