LPG / Propane

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About LPG / Propane

Marine LPG & Propane

Marine propane tanks can easily and safely be stored in storage lockers fabricated just for that purpose, with just about any brass fitting, LPG hose, and regulator available at Defender Marine. Solenoids, controls, propane detectors, as well as LPG gauges, keep all your gas appliance needs in exceptional working order.

The devil is in the details

And so is the fun! Boat propane tanks, grills, and Marine LPG tanks come with the best accessories to make cooking aboard fun. Gas gauges for a glance for tank replacement, new regulators and hoses, and even regulator covers. BBQ grills and accessories offer the most fun for cooking aboard.

Parts, Parts, and more parts

Running propane aboard from tank storage to oven and BBQ grill is an option for the weekend DIYer. Brass fittings of every shape as well as regulators and high-pressure rubber gas hoses; hose-to-appliance adaptors and leak detectors are all essential for permanent LPG installation. Boat propane tank storage options fabricated of fiberglass protect 11 or 17-pound tanks for the environment.

Wrap it up!

BBQ grills for boats are a little different than the ones on the patio. Most are fabricated of stainless steel to ward off the harsh marine environment and will disassemble into parts small enough to wash in the galley sink or take home and run through the dishwasher. Replacement parts include heat strips, burner tubes, and cooking grates and Defender Marine offers additional prep space with BBQ food trays that feature utensil hangers.