Maretron Mini Powertap with Fuses - NF-NM4P-NF
Maretron Mini Powertap with Fuses - NF-NM4P-NF Item # 874280

A Powertap is connected to a network backbone just like any Tee but rather than connecting a device, its purpose is to provide "bus" power. Typically a Powertap is placed as central as possible between total devices on backbone.
- Connects power supply to NMEA 2000® Trunk Line in convenient plug/play fashion
- Replaceable fuses to protect bus and connected components from excessive current
- Provides two power inputs permitting doubled power provision for devices
- Operating Voltage: 25V min
- Protection Circuit:
- Slo-Blo Fuse: 8 Amps, 250V
- Metric Fuse Block: 5x20 mm,
- Trip Time: 4 sec Min to 100 sec max
- Schottky Rectifier:
- Type: MBR 3045PT
- Max: Reverse Voltage VRWM = 45 V
- Max: Average Fwd Cur IFRM = 30 Amps
- Peak Surge Curt = 8.3 sec., IFSM = 200 Amps
- Max Vf = 0.65 V @ 125°C and IF = 20 Amps
- Bus Line Minimum Conductor: 16 AWG 8 Amps (Mini 5-Pin)
- Supply Line Minimum Conductor: 16 AWG 8 Amps (Mini 4-Pin)
- Temperature Range: -40° C to 70° C (-40° F to 158° F)
- Storage Temperature: -40° C to 85° C (-40° F to 185° F)
- Approvals NMEA: NMEA 2000® APPROVED
- IEC: IEC 61162-3