New England Ropes 3-Strand Mooring Pendant
$77.33 - $235.69
$62.54 - $191.58
19% off
New England Ropes 3-Strand Mooring Pendant Item # 876212

- Teufelberger 3-Strand Mooring pendants are manufactured from Premium 3-Strand nylon line
- Each pendant has a factory spliced heavy duty galvanized thimble on the buoy end and a soft eye on the boat end
- Includes a professionally spliced eye and a cinch line which helps secure eye to a cleat
- A moveable chafe sleeve is also installed to allow adjustment based on chafe position
- Teufelberger recommends the use of a swivel placed at the buoy to help eliminate twisting of the rope which can cause hockels or rope to fall out of lay
- Material: Nylon
- Sunlight UV: Very little degradation from sunlight. Can be used outside over long term if inspected regularly.
- Chemicals: Nylon will degrade with strong oxidizing agents, mineral acids, and 90% formic acid. May discolor when exposed to high levels of carbon dioxide
- Heat: Nylon melts between 419 and 437 degrees Fahrenheit
- Dielectrics: Good resistance to the passage of electrical current. However, dirt, surface contaminants, water entrapment, and the like can significantly affect dielectric properties. Extreme caution should be exercised any time a rope is in the proximity of live circuits.
- Working Load: No blanket safe working load (SWL) recommendations can be made for any line because SWL's must be calculated based on application, conditions of use, and potential danger to personnel among other considerations. It is recommended that the end user establish working loads and safety factors based on best practices established by the end user's industry
- Average Breaking Strength: When new, chafe, shock loads and repeated cycles decrease any rope's strength. Mooring pendants should be inspected for wear and replaced on a regular basis
Note: Variations of +/- 6" in finished length is common