Weems & Plath Grand View Chart Magnifier - 615
Weems & Plath Grand View Chart Magnifier - 615 Item # 887578

- The Weems and Plath 615 Grand View Magnifier is made for reading details on nautical charts
- This acrylic chart magnifier is endlessly useful in the home or office, too
- No focusing is necessary
- Simply look through it from a wide range of angles and distances - no squinting
- With 6x magnification, the 'bright field' optical design has the effect of collecting light from all around and directing it onto the surface
- It also makes an attractive chart or paperweight
- The authentic compass rose (degree markings) inscribed on the bottom, makes it perfect for use with nautical charts
- Made of flawless crystal-clear acrylic it delivers a 50% increase in magnification over its smaller kin, the #515 Crystal Magnifier