Vetus Bow 160 Thruster - BOW16024D
$7,451.83 -
Vetus Bow 95 Thruster - Ignition Protected
$6,185.68 -
Vetus Bow 125 Thruster
$5,882.01 -
Vetus Bow Pro Boosted Thruster
$5,449.64 - $11,208.13 -
Vetus Bow 95 Thruster
$5,000.83 -
Vetus Bow 75 Thruster - Ignition Protected
$4,574.39 -
Vetus Bow Pro Thruster
$3,661.81 - $5,618.62 -
Vetus Bow 75 Thruster
$3,482.35 -
Vetus Bow 55 Thruster - Ignition Protected
$3,345.36 -
Vetus Bow 45 Thruster - Ignition Protected - BOW4512Di
$3,074.67 -
Vetus Bow 60 Thruster
$2,874.92 -
Vetus Bow 55 Thruster
$2,740.01 -
Vetus Tailpiece for BOW160 A/B - SET0080
$2,605.27 -
Vetus Bow 45 Thruster - BOW4512D
$2,470.20 -
Vetus Bow Thruster - BOW3512E
$2,289.71 -
Vetus Bow Thruster - BOW2512E
$2,075.08 -
Vetus 12V Motor and Relay Set for BOW25/35/40 - SET0228
$1,992.09 -
Vetus Tailpiece for BOW125 - SET0163
$1,730.73 -
Vetus Double CAN Proportional Thruster Joystick - DBPPJA
$1,410.94 -
Vetus Motor and Solenoid Set for BOW45/55/60 - 12V - SET0060
$1,130.69 -
Vetus Rotating Waterlock
$1,126.29 - $1,397.97 -
Vetus Switch Panel Type P12 with 12 Circuit Breakers
$1,070.76 -
Vetus Proportional Control Thruster Joystick Panel with Hold and Lock - BPPJA
$1,025.52 -
Vetus Tailpiece Set - SET25TP
$936.44 -
Vetus Heavy Duty Adjustable Wipe Angle Wiper Motor
$889.76 -
9% off
Vetus Magnus Heavy-Duty Deck and Escape Hatch
$928.77 - $1,180.69$871.81 - $1,180.69 -
Vetus Altus Low-Profile Round Hatch
$860.24 - $890.07 -
Vetus Altus Low-Profile D-Shaped Hatch
$860.20 - $951.01 -
Vetus Magnus Heavy-Duty Deck Hatch
$748.50 - $814.81 -
Vetus Proportional Control Thruster Paddle Panel - BPPPA
$746.66 -
9% off
Vetus Altus Low-Profile Escape Hatch
$815.82 - $1,122.71$734.31 - $1,122.71 -
Vetus BowithStern Thruster Control Panel - BPJDE2
$721.96 -
9% off
Vetus Altus Low-Profile Deck Hatch
$682.44 - $735.35$661.88 - $700.36 -
Vetus Engine Remote Control - SISCO
$624.04 -
Vetus Mushroom Vent (ATHOS1) - BOX100
$621.11 -
Vetus Adjustable Seat Pedestal with Gas Spring and Slide
$600.70 - $753.94 -
Vetus Cowl Vent
$590.45 - $1,051.83 -
Vetus Flexible Coupling for BOW110/130/160 - BP117
$586.04 -
Vetus Easy Docking System for Bow/Stern Thruster - EZDOCK2
$580.20 -
Vetus Dorade Box - 4" - BOXS100
$565.64 -
Vetus Thruster Tunnel Extension Kit - STERN185E
$546.65 -
Vetus Dorade Box - 3" - BOX75
$483.86 -
Vetus Thruster Control Panel - BPAJ
$479.95 -
Vetus Magnus Heavy-Duty Ventilation Hatch - MAG2626SL
$466.93 -
Vetus Hydro Dampener Engine Mount - MITSTEUN
$466.34 -
Vetus Thruster Control Panel - BPJE2
$446.31 -
Vetus Round Thruster Control with Joystick - BPJR
$435.97 -
Vetus Long Exhaust Waterlock